Esthetician does a PRP facial. PRP facial benefits

PRP Facial Benefits and Tips To Prep

Over time the skin on our faces can become dull, scarred, or even spotted with areas of hyperpigmentation. But many folks claim the PHP facial (AKA the vampire facial) can work extremely well to combat these signs of aging. Join us as we explore what a PRP facial actually is, what it does, and the PRP facial benefits you can get from treatment.

What is a PRP facial?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials are a highly rejuvenating treatment that has gained notable popularity over the past few years. This facial service uses extracted plasma and reintroduces it to the skin during a service like microneedling treatment. This restorative serum is rich in growth factors and can help stimulate both collagen production and cell turnover for new, healthy skin. 

What do PRP facials treat?

This versatile treatment can be used as an easy way to improve or reduce the appearance of a number of skin concerns. Commonly treated issues range from reducing the appearance of fine lines and enlarged pores, to improving the appearance of acne scars and discoloration. PRP facials can also smooth wrinkles and improve skin texture when treated on a routine basis. 

Are PRP facials safe?

Yes! PRP facials are safe so long as the product is handed and stored appropriately. Ensuring that the liquid is kept in a sterile environment and applied with sterile equipment is key to having a safe, successful service with little to no side effects. 

Who can get a PRP facial?

While this type of facial service is typically geared towards scarred and aging skin, it can be used on almost anyone looking to improve texture or potential imperfections. While this service is available to almost everyone, there are certain people who should avoid treatment, such as those with blood-related illnesses and those on blood thinners. 

Benefits of PRP facials

Now that we’ve outlined what a “vampire facial” is and what it can treat, let’s explore the PRP benefits this service can offer: 

Improves skin tone and texture

Esthetician does a PRP facial. PRP facial benefits

As a result of age, sun damage, or scarring, your skin tone can become splotchy and lackluster, and the texture can be less than desirable.

But introducing PRP facials into your normal skincare routine can help you improve your skin tone and texture. PRP facials can also help you achieve tighter, smoother skin.

Boosts collagen production

PRP facials also promote collagen production. So, those struggling with sagging skin can find that the firmness of the area treated has been restored through a gentle lift. These results are especially effective around the neck and eyes. 

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles also see improvements from PRP facials with the addition of collagen and the increased rate of cell turnover. As new collagen is produced and skin becomes firm and younger looking, any pre-existing lines and wrinkles will be reduced with time. And routine treatments can further prevent them from reoccurring. 

Tightens pores

Large pores can leave the skin looking rough and uneven, diminishing the effectiveness of makeup and potentially leaving the individual to feel self conscious about their skin. The results of microneedling paired with PRP can leave clients with smoother skin, minimizing the appearance of large pores. 

Reduces acne scars

Acne scars can be a painful reminder of a traumatic time for your skin. With a vampire facial, though, clients can see improvements in both ice pick and rolling scars following a few consistent PRP treatments. 

How to prepare for your PRP facial

To get the most out of your facial, be sure to read up on the process and prepare. Here are some of our biggest tips:

Avoid sun exposure

Prolonged exposure to the sun prior to your appointment can damage the skin and negatively impact the potential for effective results. If you do have a sunburn, reschedule your appointment once you’re healed. 

Avoid blood thinners

Individuals taking blood thinners should talk to a medical professional prior to their appointment. Blood thinners can cause bleeding and significantly increase the risk of bruising and swelling around the treated area. 

Keep skin clean

While we want you to always look and feel your best, it’s important to come to your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup, lotions and additional products.

Stay hydrated

For best results, be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your appointment. Hydrated skin is more receptive to treatment and will see the best results. 

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can both dehydrate the skin, thin out your blood, and make it easier to bruise. In order to avoid this, do not consume alcohol within 24 hours of your appointment. 

The Wellness Club is here to answer all your PRP facial questions!

Need some needle therapy to help you rejuvenate your skin? Looking to decrease any potential downtime? Join us here at The Wellness Club for services that range from injectable PRP treatments and fillers to customized skincare and laser treatments just for you.

To learn more about our services, their cost, and how we can help improve your health and aesthetics, book a consultation or give us a call. Our experienced team is waiting and eager to help you through your skincare journey! 

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